Thursday, August 11, 2011

Boys month - origami boats with fabric tutorial

Boys month again with Christine - Frk Turkis

I am very happy to participate with a quicky tutorial for a very handmade and delicate mobile :-)

For a live tutorial on how to make paper boats here is a video from Howcast

Regarding the dimensions of the rectangles fabric, I used the following ratio: Length/Width = 0,7 which is the ratio of an A4 paper sheet.

First I cut two rectangles and sewed them wrong sides together with a loose zigzag stitch, this allows to always have the nice side showing when folding it.

Then I follow the instructions on how to make the origami paper boat, carefully pressing at each step (this is key to the process!)

At this stage I make a few stitches to sew together the sides folded, where the red cross is on the following picture, on both sides, it helps the boat to keep it's shape in the end.

Then I took some quite stiff wire: two 20 cm long pieces and folded them with my pliers like so:

I then attached 5 blue threads, with which I'll attach the boats to the mobile.


  1. Hvor er de fine og god idé at lave dem i stof. Tak for DIY :-)

  2. Tak Christine og alle dine indsats med den her boys months, det er så fedt
