Saturday, December 18, 2010

Pakkekalender II

This is what went toVisitsen for the Pakkekalender swap.

 She mentioned in her previous posts that the color of the moment was sth close to pink/pale purple, so I made some christmas tree decorations in these tones, wrapped in a handmade little pocket

I used a bag bought at "Søstrene Grene" and converted it into a pocket, so I had at hand a matching zipper and handles to make a matching bow 

The tutorial for the knitted balls is from "I like lemon"

These were the most challenging to do as I am not too good at knitting and moreover with two colors! I'm quite happy with the result :-)

Then I used an idea seen on the christmas issue of "Crafts Beautiful magazine" , a genius idea using wires of different dimensions !

And at last decorations made out of salt dough and covered with some paint I found in Panduro that imitates the effect of snow


  1. Lovely! I especially like your wire-ornaments. They're really beautiful!!

  2. Hi thanks Bettina! I just checked your blog and wow you do great things! Loving it

  3. Det var en rigtig fin gave i pakkekalenderen - jeg har sendt dig en mail, men ved ikke om den er kommet frem, men tjek lige din gmail

  4. Hej har lige svaret :-) Håber du har haft en rigtig God Jul!
