Sunday, May 30, 2010

Baby shoes pattern + finish

Time to make baby shower presents... 

There is a baby shoe pattern on the web that is super popular from Stardust shoes : link to her tutorial, they are soooo cute!

But there is no indication on how to make the baby shoes somehow "seamless" i.e to sew a sole inside the shoes so as to hide the seams between the sole and the sides, so here is what I do:

Before turning the shoe right side out

I cut an extra piece of sole in the "lining" fabric and pin it on top of the shoe as seen above, so that this piece of fabric "sandwiches" the whole shoe.

Then I sew it (5mm from the border) and leave an opening to turn the shoe inside out, don't forget to cut slits all around the edge (this smoothes the curves when turned inside out)

Once turned inside out, sew the opening by hand, then turn the shoe right side out and you're done!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Great idea and it works for any fabric shoe patter. Thank you. :)
