Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Wall Sticker - Baby's room

A friend of mine lives in a very small flat and has a little bundle of joy of about 9 months, it was decided that it was time for her to sleep in her own "room" but they have no extra room for her so she very cleverly managed to decorate a "hall/corridor/corner" with a super nice wallpaper, fairy tale stickers and added a curtain to be able to close this little space. I was very impressed by her craft skills and unfortunately I just can't manage with wallpaper! But the new trend anyway nowadays is to use wall stickers, but as they are quite expensive, I decided to try to make my own with the help of Threadbanger's tutorial on wall decals and the inspiration of this online shop:the wall company

Bought some contact paper on e-bay (no idea where I could buy this in DK), drew my shapes directly on it

And paste it on the wall next to baby's bed

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