In a Panduro shop in Copenhagen, I saw this very nice craft idea, took a pic and tried to reproduce it at home. My son loves it, especially because it's sooo big compared to him :-)
Here is the original

I cut twice the following parts in different fabrics: the body - the arms - the legs - and the head
Adorned the body with scraps, added some eyes and a smile to the face and glued 8 cm long wool threads on the top of the head
After sewing the legs and the arms right sides together leaving an opening to turn them inside out and filled them with stuffing material, I placed the parts on the body facing up and covered it with the back of the body facing down. Pinned it and sewed leaving the top of the body open to turn it inside out.
Sewed the head, turned it inside out, stuffed it and then attached it to the body with hand stitches
Bobito and Kurt